10 Oct STEMPilot builds STEM Bus for Pasco County FL
Terry Aunchman, CTE Director for Pasco County FL, called to tell me he had purchased a bus and wants it equipped with 6 Edustation Flight Simulators to promote STEM education in schools. Wow! So Ron Handy went over to measure and inspect the bus. He generated the first of several installation drawing and Austin created a design and working model designed to fit into each location. The station adjacent to the handicap lift is configured to accept a wheel chair or a seat. The final design included 2 racks for all of the computers, a station for a 3D Printer and storage. Each Edustation is equipped to fly our STEMPilot Tutored Learning Missions allowing students to try their hand at flying a Cessna 172. We look forward to following the Flying STEM Bus’s adventurers.