15 Oct STEMPilot and SAFEDrone at CUE Kern County CA
KERN County teachers gathered in Bakersfield for this CUE Tech Event. Teachers flew the edustation flight simulator and SAFEDrone drone simulator. Both demonstrate the profound use of math, science and engineering in all types of flight. Teachers reviewed our NGSS aligned lesson plans for both curriculums.
STEMPilot is a K12 curriculum including complete curriculum, NGSS lesson plans, tutored simulator learning missions and assessments. Flight training is on our Edustations or Pilot Pro flight simulators capable of flying every airfield on our planet in one of 50 aircraft.
SAFEDrone is a classroom kit learning the theory of flight then train on the drone simulator. Students who successfully complete the missions move on to flying guarded prop quad-copters in the classroom. The kits included everything needed for classroom learning including detailed multi-media lesson plans., safety glasses, landing targets, guarded prop quad-copters and SAFEDrone simulation software (PC) and wireless controller.