23 Dec Brooklyn NY Multicultural HS (19K583) installs Full Cockpit Flight Simulator from STEMPilot Inc.
The Multicultural High School at 999 Jamaica Blvd, Brooklyn NY received back their full cockpit flight simulator restored to better than new, by STEMPilot Inc., Waterbury, CT. This simulator was deemed not repairable by the manufacturer and sat idle in the corner of the JROTC classroom. The school was able to issue a contract to restore the simulator to working condition. STEMPilot removed the sim, disassembled it and removed all of the old wiring. We then reconfigured all of the controls so they would talk to our computer. The computer was built to handle Prepar3D, our global flight package from Lockheed Martin. We designed and manufactured the redesigned cockpit and framing to support all of the displays, including a single panoramic forward display, 2 cockpit displays and a 43″ HD left and right display. We enclosed the screens to present a dark inside the cockpit experience. This simulator can fly every airfield on the planet in over 50 aircraft. Students will understand classroom science, engineering and math by learning to fly around NYC. How Cool Is That