17 May Windsor CT HS Air Force JROTC installs STEMPilot Edustation
The Air force JROTC program at Windsor HS is now using their Edustation for actual flight training. Blue skies to All...
The Air force JROTC program at Windsor HS is now using their Edustation for actual flight training. Blue skies to All...
STEMPilot supports local schools encouraging students to explore careers in math, science, engineering and aviation. John Duarte spent the day with students and parents from Linda Vista, CA[espro-slider id=2392]...
Students and educators from LAUSD South gathered this past Saturday at Banning S in Wilmington CA. Students, Parents and Teachers learned how aviation applies math, science and engineering by learning to fly. A great time was had by all. [espro-slider id=2378]...
Superintendent Roberto Martinez's LAUSD Central held a STEAM Symposium at the Roybal Center in Los Angeles. Students displayed many environmental, engineering, art and science projects from their schools. STEMPilot brought an Edustation for the kids to fly to the Statue of Liberty. Of special note...
EAA Chapter 96 invited 40 local kids to their monthly "Young Eagles Fly In" at Compton Woodley Field. There was a nice collection of chapter member aircraft for the kids to fly in, including a Lancair Experimental Aircraft. A exciting time was had by all.[espro-slider...
Many thanks to Superintendent Cheryl Hildreth for the opportunity to sponsor her superintendents conference on Feb. 21 at Augustus Hawkins HS, We had the opportunity to meet Dr. McKenna, school board member District 1, and discuss how STEMPilot can help motivate his students for meaningful...
Sabrina Loesh is the STEM teacher at Olive Vista MS in Sylmar CA. STEMPilot completed the installation of the first Edustation Flight Simulator into the schools very wonderful STEM Lab. The Edustation is already a big hit with the students as seen by Jay LeBoff...
Local District North East held their STEAM FEST at Byrd Middle School in Los Angeles on Saturday February 10th. STEMPilot provided the Edustation Flight Simulator for students and teachers to fly in fully tutored learning missions. Schools from around the district had tents displaying their...
Integrating STEM Lessons by Bryan Holmes, Academy Program Leader & STEM Teacher Students at the Academy of Aerospace and Engineering benefit from an integrated STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) curriculum everyday, but some days we are able to completely integrate these four disciplines. Today was such a day for the...
On Saturday 1-27-18 the EAA 96 Chapter held a Young Eagles Fly In with many aircraft and qualified pilots to take the kids aloft. What an amazing outing for young students to see the career opportunities in math, science, aviation and engineering. STEMPilot provided the...